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We can make your fields flourish.

Production is the key for Sod Farm growers.  The goal is to re-grow the field after a cut in the shortest time and most economical way possible while still producing a healthy turf for  clients.


The most important nutrient powering this re-growth is Nitrogen, BUT, too much Nitrogen can force top growth at the expense of the roots compromising the "liftability" at cutting time as well as the rooting in once the cut sod has reached it's new destination.


The availability of any major or minor nutrient will delay or weaken sod production.


Adding these foliar supplements to your program will:

  • Promote root growth

  • Optimal lateral root production resulting in increased root mass

  • Improve photosynthesis especially during summer stress

  • Reduce need for watering

  • Enhance Nutrient uptake

  • Enhance Soil Biological Activity


Promote | Brochure

Bio Sea | Brochure



Where Sodium is an issue apply Cal-Pull SRS

Helps remediate soils and poor growing conditions impacted by high salinity and poor irrigation water.

  • Delivers calcium rapidly to the root zone and quickly removes Na from the soil exchange sites.

  • Selective amino based poly-organic acids work to trap sodium so it is not root absorbed.

  • Carboxylic acids break down bicarbonates freeing calcium and magnesium for plant use.  The result is better soil structure, water percolation and oxygen content.

  • L-amino acids

  • Turf will maintain greater viability with better nutrient absorption and reduced wilting

  • Improves water uptake by balancing the plant's osmotic capability


Cal-Pull SRS | Brochure



Click here for more information on our products.


Contact us to learn more or to get a quote.


+ Experience


- 32+ Years Golf Course Superintendent
- 20+ Years Sales in Turf Industry

- 24+ Years with foliar fertilizers, bio-based nutrients and biostimulant supplements

+ Services


- Golf Courses
- Sport Venues
- Sod Farms


+ Let's Talk


Call or email today!

P.O. Box 2581
Bunnell, FL 32110

© 1999-2024 Bronson's Turf Solutions, LLC. Website proudly created by Musion Creative, LLC.

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